No Sanity Required
No Sanity Required is a weekly podcast hosted by Brody Holloway and Snowbird Outfitters. Each week, we engage culture and personal stories with a Gospel-driven perspective. Our mission is to equip the Church to pierce the darkness with the light of Christ by sharing the vision, ideas, and passions God has used to carry us through 26 years of student ministry. Find more content at
No Sanity Required
Building a Christ-Centered Family Pt. 2
In this follow-up episode, Brody dives into the important topic of education choices for your children and how it ties into building a Christ-centered home. Whether you're considering homeschooling, public school, or Christian private school, your children’s education is a weighty decision. Brody explores the pros and cons of each option and emphasizes the critical role parents play as the primary disciplers of their children.
Brody shares how your responsibility as a parent isn't just to choose a school, but to actively disciple your children in the ways of the Lord. While school choice matters, it's ultimately in the home where your children will learn Biblical truths, grow in their relationship with Jesus, and be prepared to navigate the world around them.
Building A Christ-Centered Family (pt. 1)
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All right, welcome to this bonus episode of NSR. Decided to go ahead and follow up that last episode with a part two immediately, and in this episode, what I want to talk about is education and education, choice and discipline, discipline measures and methods and things like that. So just going to roll this all into two episodes and then we'll get uh, probably be an uh, an abbreviated episode for next week, which will be, I think, maybe something um advent related, but maybe not, cause we're trying to I don't know that we'll get it done, but we're trying to this week get um, uh, uh, an episode recorded and videoed that has to do with college staying focused and faithful in college, really geared towards folks that are heading off to college or there now, or parents that are getting their kids ready to go. I don't know that we'll have that episode done and ready, so I'm not sure what next week's going to bring, and then we're going to have a couple of Christmas episodes, uh.
Speaker 1:But today I want to talk about, um, some more parenting stuff, um and this again applies to uh, parents of all ages, and so I hope you find it helpful if you're still with us after that last episode where I think I felt like I kind of it went long. It was long winded, but if you're still here, then then, um, this will be hopefully interesting and beneficial to you. So with that, let's get into it. Welcome to no sanity required.
Speaker 2:Welcome to no sanity required from the ministry of snowbird wilderness outfitters. A podcast about the Bible culture and stories from around the globe.
Speaker 1:Okay, so I want to start by talking about education and your responsibility as a parent when it comes to education. This is a controversial and somewhat debated topic. Should I homeschool? Should we homeschool our children? Should we send them to Christian school? Should we send them to Christian school? Should we send them to public school? And then there's I would say there's even. Those are the three big categories. Okay, the three big categories are homeschool, private Christian school or public school. Now, I think there are some more caveats and layers within that Like, for instance, there is. There are some more caveats and layers within that like, for instance, there is.
Speaker 1:There are some hybrid models. So where you homeschool, but then, one or two days a week, your kids are part of a, a cooperative program, a co-op or what's. A lot of people use the, the cc program, which stands for classical conversations. A lot of people do. I've known people that they homeschool their kids three days a week. They send them to a school two days a week. It's like a hybrid program. There's also a layer within the Christian school model that is online Christian school. So it's a hybrid between homeschooling and Christian education, christian or Christian school. So, rather than homeschooling your kids, uh, where you're the instructor or the teacher, they're doing something online. This would be more more common with high school age kids probably. Um, and then there's, uh, there's also within the Christian school, you can kind of shift out of Christian school and just talk private school, and now you've got, um, private schools that are not Christian, they're elite prep schools, they're, they're highly academic or and or athletic, and so I want, and then, and then there's just sending your kids to the local public school and, and so what I want to talk about is, uh, in in this, in this portion of the episode, is what, what does that look like, like, like, what should that process look like in making that decision? And then, what are the benefits of, of, of any of those choices? What are the, what are the pros, the cons, what are you going to get out of one that you don't get out of another? And vice versa, what are you going to get out of the other that you're not going to get out of the one? What are the hurdles and things like that that are presented with each one?
Speaker 1:Now let me say that we have done literally almost all of these. We have not done private Christian school. We've not sent kids to private. But here's what we've done we have homeschooled, and we've homeschooled elementary school, middle school and high school. We have public school, elementary school, middle school, high school and we have done private school. But it wasn't Christian, it was a private prep school, it was very secular, in fact, it was very much, I would say, progressive, very liberal, and so public school at all three.
Speaker 1:We've had kids. We've sent our kids to public elementary school, public middle school, public high school. We've homeschooled during elementary school. The only homeschooling we've done in high school is one of our kids was homeschooled for one year of high school, one year of high school. One year of high school we had two kids homeschooled in middle school and we had three kids homeschooled in elementary school. Likewise, we have had three kids public schooled in elementary school and we've had four kids do public school and middle school and then, when it's said and done, all of our kids will live to all six. We'll have had six kids that did at least part of their high school in public school.
Speaker 1:Okay, so at this point we've had two kids graduate from, three kids graduate from public high school, three graduate, two from andrews high school, one from murphy high school, um, and then. And then we get into why did two of our kids go to andrews and one went to murphy? Why do you make that change? And I think so. Hopefully this will be helpful, and I can already tell you we're not going to get into discipline, we're gonna. Maybe we will. Let's see how far we get here. Let's see where this goes.
Speaker 1:So, parenting content since it's a bonus episode, I'm fine keeping it a little shorter, so let's get into that. Let's talk about, um, what you know, even why we sent one kid to Murphy, which is, for us, the next town over, and what did it take to make that happen? How were we even able to do that? All right, so let's start with a principle that is very important, regardless of how you choose to educate your children, and the principle is this you are the primary, first and foremost discipler of your children, and so you don't need to send your kids to Christian school so that they will be Christians, and you don't need to send your kids to youth group so that they will be Christian teenagers. That takes place first and foremost in the home, so you raise them in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord.
Speaker 1:You teach them the biblical precepts of life, how you're to live your life. You teach them what Jesus teaches about things like marriage and money and sex and sexuality and purity. What does Jesus teach us in his word? You teach them what, what the scripture teaches us about history and creation and philosophy and politics. Now that may sound overwhelming. You're like well, how do I teach my kids politics from the Bible? How do I teach them about capitalism, socialism, um, marxism? Well, the principles are there, the principles are in the scripture, and so I need to, I need everything needs to be informed from a. What you're doing is you're teaching them how to have a Christian or biblical worldview. So when they're processing something like you know, I love the Margaret Thatcher quote the problem with socialism is that sooner or maybe it's communism, I think it was socialism the problem with socialism is that sooner or later, you run out of other people's money. So there's a biblical principle. It's like how do I, how do I teach my kids about politics? Well, you can teach them about economics and political theory. You can teach them that, um, a, a. The form of Republic that we live in is the is the best form of government in history. Now ours is very corrupt and has taken some weird turns, but capitalism the opportunity to start and run a business to be successful is the best form of government. Now, where do we get into caring for the poor and social welfare systems, and how do we help those that are less fortunate? Well, that should also be informed by scripture, and one of the things we can do there is we can study how ancient Israel operated. I'll give you a for example um and this. This would be a cool episode in and of itself and we may do this at some point.
Speaker 1:People will often, when referring to immigration, they'll say well, god is a God of immigration and immigrants and he wants us. You know, we need to open our borders and our doors to people to come here for a better life, and they'll often talk about how God instructed Israel to love and care for the foreigner and the sojourner. Well, here's the thing If a person wanted to go from being Syrian or Persian to being part of the Israelite people, they had to convert to worship the Israelite God. That involved circumcision. It involved pledging faithfulness and fidelity faithfulness and fidelity to Yahweh so you could come. Yes, god had an open border policy, but to come through that border and to be a part of Israelite society, you had to embrace Israelite laws, israelite religion, israelite worship and practices.
Speaker 1:So if we wanted to take that and apply it to how we do things politically in this country when it comes to immigration, you would say, yes, we should make a way for people to come into our country. To come into our country, but they need to abide by our laws, understand our constitution, live in a way that assimilates them into American law and order and society, understand their responsibility as citizens, things like that. So the Bible informs something like immigration. The scripture informs things like economics and economy. The borrower is slave to the lender. That's a biblical example or biblical proverb. So I want to teach them in the home things that matter.
Speaker 1:Let's say that you're sending your kids to public school. You need to teach them and inform them and instruct them in the home and not just leave that education up to the educators at school, okay. So that being said, you're the primary educator, that you're also the primary discipler, no more than you send them to Christian schools so that there'll be Christians, should you expect that to happen? You teach them who Jesus is and what the gospel is and what God's plan of salvation for them is. That's, that's the most important thing. You teach them a value system where money is not the most important thing. Let them see you live and depend on God. Let them see you give sacrificially and teach them how to do the same. All of that starts in the home. Okay, um, we talked in the last episode about conflict resolution and hospitality, and we would apply the same thing to education. If you got a kid that is uh, in elementary school and are struggling in a subject math or reading then you're going to work with them in the home to help them get better at that. So let's unpack the pros and cons of each of these forms of education and maybe you can figure out which one might be the best fit for you.
Speaker 1:All right, I want to start first by debunking one stupid comment that people are idiotic to make. If you've ever made this, don't ever say this again. If you've ever made this comment and just know it's stupid, people will say this I wouldn't want to homeschool my kids because then they wouldn't be socialized. That's the dumbest thing. That is literally, literally the worst and most idiotic argument for socialization of our children. My three oldest kids were all homeschooled throughout all of their elementary. Tucker was homeschooled through elementary school and then shifted to public school and middle school. Laley was homeschooled through elementary school and middle school. When supposed quote-unquote socialization takes place, that's crazy. It's just that I will lose my mind defending that. You're you are.
Speaker 1:You are out of your head if you think you need to send your kid to a public place of education so that they can learn how to interact socially with people. That's stupid. Do you realize how many skewed and jacked up and contrary world views are being brought in into those little social circles and at the lunchroom table on the playground? You need to ground them and teach them solid, solid, solid, foundational things and then you need to socialize them. By the way, you teach them how to talk to adults. You know me kids. I've got family members and friends and people close to me that their kids. But even in middle school they don't know how to look you in the eyes and have a conversation with you. They're shy, they shrink back, they run away. They don't know how to interact and they've been in public school their whole life. So that's dumb. That's your responsibility as a parent. I do not need the dadgum school system to teach my kid how to be social. That's so stupid, so throw that one out the window, okay, that being said, there are really beneficial social constructs and impacts that are had on your kid or that your kid's going to interact with when they go to the public school.
Speaker 1:So let's first talk about the pros and cons of public school. What are the benefits, the reasons you might send a kid to public school? Now, some benefits. I'm not going to get into what works for you in the sense of, let's say, you're a single mom and you got to work a job, you got to send your kid to public school. I'm not going to talk about that. I'm talking about you have the option of public school or homeschool. Why might you send your kid to public school? Well, let me say this If you have the option of homeschooling your child, I'm going to say up front that I think there's so much benefit to that. But if you don't have that option and it's going to be very difficult for you to pull that off then I think there's so much benefit to sending your kid to school, whether it's public school or Christian school, and so there's pros and cons to all of this. So let's start with public school.
Speaker 1:Public school. I think the benefits of public school for us have been you've got a network of people in our community, and I'm going to speak from our community. If you live in Northern Virginia on the outside of DC or you live in any other big city, I can't speak to that, but in our community we have an amazing relationship with our local elementary school, and so we can call the principal, the school guidance counselor, we can go talk to the school resource officer. We've been close with all of our kids' teachers. It is a small-town community, we're a conservative community, and so they respect and honor the faith that we're raising our kids in the Christian faith. There's so many resources for them, there's opportunity for them to be involved in things that I'm grateful for in this community, and so the public school creates a community atmosphere, a network. You're able to interact with people I do think in a beneficial way from different backgrounds and other walks of life.
Speaker 1:Kids that go to your school who are not Christians. They will speak against your faith even at a young age because they're going to regurgitate what they're hearing. It gives you opportunities to talk through those things in the home. It creates conversation that you can have. That, I think, is very beneficial. It teaches your kids how to deal with conflict, how to get along with people that don't think like them or don't come from a similar background. I think those are the benefits. Resources like in terms of the library and the networking that goes on now with computers and things like that can be beneficial. There's some benefits there.
Speaker 1:Now, what are the cons? Well, for seven, eight hours a day, you don't have any control over what your kid's being exposed to. And again, that's where, for us, I'm not real worried about it, because we have the principal at our elementary school is a is a lady who loves the Lord. The previous two principals loved the Lord, and so I don't really have any reservation there. Um, that that could be different in your scenario. I'll be very hesitant to send my child to a school. Let's say you've got a school that's very, um, progressive, liberal, very LGBTQ, pushy, push, push, push. You know then I definitely would not send my kid to that school if I had a different option. So there's that I would want to homeschool them or send them to Christian school. So that's the con for some people. There's a lot that you don't have say-so over in your kids' day-to-day.
Speaker 1:Next, how about Christian school? What is the benefit of Christian school? Well, this is a. This is a catch 22, or not a catch 22. This is, this is sort of a. We have a lot of Christian schools that come to Snowbird the ones that are good, and I'll explain what I mean by good. It's a phenomenal experience for a kid and I would want to send my kid to that school.
Speaker 1:I think of schools. There's a school called North Raleigh Christian that comes here. They're from Raleigh, north Carolina. There's a school called Liberty Christian Academy from Fayetteville, north Carolina. I know the guy that runs that school Awesome Brother. The guys that lead North Raleigh, awesome Brothers. There's a school called Trinity, and Trinity is from Noonan, georgia, just right right South of Atlanta, and the middle school there, the. The principal of the middle school was a guy named Adam Vincent, who I I just phenomenal, phenomenal leader, phenomenal education that I would send. If Trinity Christian school was close to me, that's where I'd be sending my kids.
Speaker 1:That being said, like in our community, we don't have a Christian school. There's not one here, and even if we had one doesn't mean that I would send my kids to it. There's a real small, teeny one in the next town, over in Murphy. I wouldn't send my kids to that one for a couple of reasons. And then there's some other Christian schools that come to SWO that I would not send my kids to that one for a couple of reasons. And then there are some other Christian schools that come to SWO that I would not send my kids to. I don't have the same biblical worldview as them. There's some doctrinal differences, so I wouldn't send my kids to that school if it was in this community.
Speaker 1:And so what are the pros and cons of Christian school? Well, the pro is obvious. They're going to learn creation, biblical view of creation. They're going to see Darwinian evolution as a theory that's false and that's its own religion. They're going to learn not just the biblical account of creation, but their science is going to be informed by that. And so science class is going to be driven from the creation perspective and standpoint. Now let me jump back over to, uh, public school. When you get into middle school and high school, that's when your kids are going to be exposed to evolution. They're going to be tested on it. Secular philosophy and sexuality they're going to be tested on it. They're going to have to answer things in order to get a question right. They're going to have to answer something in the positive, that that we find negative or that we don't agree with, and so you just got to be prepared for that.
Speaker 1:I remember Kilby when she was in high school doing a um. They had to do a, a paper and a presentation on a historical figure, and she did it on queen Esther and her teacher wouldn't accept it, said you can't do it, that's from the bible, that's not from history. Well, we can argue that that lady's wrong, she's dead wrong, 100 wrong. But instead kilby just did it, did her paper because she hadn't done the paper yet. She they had to be approved for their character and there were some other characters that were shot down, that weren't biblical characters or you know there were. There were historic characters and figures, but they were shot down. One of't biblical characters, or you know there were. There were historic characters and figures, but they were shot down. One of them was, I think, because they were a sports figure, and she. There were some criteria and credentials. They needed to be people that were, you know, leaders in government or military or I don't remember what it was. But anyway, that lady that turned into an argument where she was saying Esther's from the Bible, she's not a real historical figure. So you go to now.
Speaker 1:Some people would say that's a pro. Some would say it's a con pro in that it's going to force your kid to understand why they believe what they believe, and a con in the sense that it's an attack on their young faith, but that you do have to be prepared for that when you get to the public high school level, whereas if you're at Christian school, you're not going to deal with that. The kid's going to sit through Bible class, they're going to learn the scripture and what we've seen is a lot of kids. They don't appreciate that in the moment, but later in life they've got a strong biblical foundation. Um, a good Christian school like Trinity, the one I mentioned they're putting their sports are phenomenal. They're putting kids in division one sports programs every year. Um, they compete at a high level. They compete against the best public schools. Um, and they're in Georgia, and Georgia is a state that has really good structure for private schools to compete at a high level.
Speaker 1:Um, so there's some pros and cons to Christian school, cons being um when you, when you turn the Christian faith and discipleship into an academic setting, it can not always it can create sort of this mundane, cold, stale religious mindset towards Christianity. And so you just got to work at that. And that's where I think what the school that you send them to would be critical. How do they view the gospel and how do they see themselves as educators and disciples? So you've got to think through that. But the benefit is that strong Christian education.
Speaker 1:The con or the negative is, I think a kid can become very numb to. You know, if they're not embracing their own faith it can have an adverse effect where they kind of grow numb to it. I have seen that. I'll tell you this from the Snowbird perspective. 6,200 kids are going to come to our summer program and another 5,000 will come to our August to May. You know we have a lot of people that come through here in a year and I think across the board the most solid kids tend to be kids that are from public schools or that are homeschooled. Christian schools tend to be the kids that are the least discipled, and I'm just giving you my sample size of SWO. I don't know what that is, why that is, but that's just reality. So I think you got to be with Christian school and because of that, and so make sure it's a good one and that you have a good relationship with the leadership and that they are very discipleship minded.
Speaker 1:Um, homeschool what about homeschool? Um, homeschool is is a phenomenal opportunity. If you're gonna, you want your kids to grow up and I will say this the most socially mature and adapted kids that we have come through camp are kids that are homeschooled, which is really contrary to what the stereotype has been through the years. Most people think stereotypical homeschool kid is, they're awkward, they're goofy, they're socially really just kind of out of sync Not what we find to be the case at all here at SWO, and I think part of that is because in the last 20 years there's been an uptick in these networks of homeschoolers where they get together, they do cooperatives, they have these co-ops, they you know they they interact a lot. But then I think it's because kids that are homeschooled, their parents raise them and and get them to maturity at a younger age. They're brought into much more mature conversation, they learn how to interact with adults and so I think one of the benefits again, most of this coming from what we observe at SWO, and then I would say personal experience of having done all of these is homeschooling gives you an opportunity to really prepare kids socially to go into the world and you know to interact.
Speaker 1:I mean like, for instance, I used to take. I would go on road trips to speak. I might be gone for five or six days. I remember going on the road for two weeks one time and taking Tuck with me. He was about nine years old. For two weeks Tuck and I traveled. He did his schoolwork every day, we worked together. I would do sermon prep or I'd be working and there was like a three-day window in there where we were just doing a fun trip together. I think we did a hunting trip, but yeah, for two weeks, and in that two weeks he was meeting people, interacting with people. I remember I was speaking at um another time.
Speaker 1:Tuck was probably I think he had gone off to school at this point. He might've been in middle school. Um, maybe, maybe not. He might. It might have been the last year he was homeschooled, like fifth or sixth grade. But we I had to go meet with a group of event coordinators youth pastors, pastors, denominational leaders for an event I was speaking at, and this event was an event that I think there was 40 or 50 churches involved and a couple of months before the event went we had a lunch and sat and met with these guys. I took Tuck with me and I coached him up on. You know, I'd all along been coaching on how do you introduce yourself to a grown man or woman, how do you engage in conversation. Then, when we're having conversation as adults, you sit quietly and you just listen. Those were awesome opportunities where he got to travel with me. That I don't think he would have been able to do if he was in public school, you know, or Christian school or whatever, if he was at school. So I think there's a lot of opportunity to expose them to some really cool stuff.
Speaker 1:Like I said, we used to take our kids when they were all homeschooled the three older ones, we would do those trips every year and once they went off to school we had to get those trips excused and Tuck had to quit going with us because of sports. Laylee got excused to go um because basketball was just not her thing. She just played it, just just cause um. But she, she, she skipped and went with us, um, and that was cool. Actually, I take that back. No, no, no, I'm sorry, um, her eighth grade year was the last year she did it because her ninth grade year was a covet year, fall of 20, so we didn't travel that year. We couldn't travel. So anyway, I'm digressing and getting sidetracked. But, um, homeschooling afforded us opportunity to take our kids and do some really cool trips and they didn't get behind in school and they were able to play. You know, if you're you've got a kid that plays baseball, you don't have to play school ball. I mean, you could really homeschool them all the way through high school and they could be on a really good travel or club team and get recruited. So now there's a lot of options for that.
Speaker 1:The con to homeschooling I think the cons are minimal and they really revolve more around your commitment to it, like, can you really do it and adjust and adapt your life and your lifestyle to being able to do it? Because you're going to lose one income. If you're a two income family, mom's going to need to be home or you know to oversee that. When they get in high school, they're probably going to do an online program anyway, so it's going to be less involved, but something to think about. I love. I love what homeschooling offers you. Um, and then the, the, the.
Speaker 1:The outlier would be what Tucker did when he transferred and went his junior and senior. He went his junior year and the fall semester of his senior year to a prep school called Rabin Gap Rabin Gap School in Rabin County, georgia. He drove an hour and 15 minutes every day to that school and it's because he needed to get recruited. The recruitment there was going to be a lot better for football and then also the academics at that school were very elite and so it gave him an amazing platform academically and athletically. That was a situation where we had to do that because, after having him evaluated, we knew he had Division I potential and he needed to get recruited, and that was not going to happen at a small little 1A school. You know, it just wasn't going to happen, not in football. Lely went to I said that Lely went to a different high school than we live in, andrews, and Tuck went to his first couple years at Andrews and then he came back. He wanted to graduate from Andrews. So after football season, his senior year at Redmond Gap, he transferred back to Andrews and graduated from there, but in his early graduation finished in December and and went to virginia tech.
Speaker 1:Laylee was starting into high school and andrews did not have a girl's soccer team and that was laylee's primary sport and going into her freshman year we were thinking that she was going to want to really try to play at the next level. Murphy had a women's soccer team and laylee had been homeschooled to that point. So we had a meeting with the County superintendent of schools and with both principals and it was very agreeable and amiable and, uh, because of soccer and the opportunities that might afford her, she made that move. So I was wrong earlier. After her freshman year is when she decided she didn't want to play club ball anymore and didn't want to play in college. She just wanted to really focus on having a good high school experience. That was why we moved her one school district over and no regrets there and it turned into an awesome experience for her.
Speaker 1:So just giving you some things to think about. Hopefully this is all helpful. Remember, if you send your kid to public school or private school, whatever, you still need to be the person that's teaching them the Scripture, teaching them how to have a critical, the ability to think critically. You know critical thinking is something that's important and you need to teach that to them. You need to inform them, you need to be well-read. Don't be a mind numbing, facebook surfer or TV watcher. Um, engage your kids, teach them, talk to them, help them and pray about what but? But the other thing is, pray about what's the right fit for you and don't let anybody shame you if you don't do what they do.
Speaker 1:You know somebody that if you don't homeschool because here's the thing people create divisions and tribes and then they criticize others. Even if you decide to homeschool, if somebody homeschools a different way than you or with a different program or curriculum, they're going to be critical of the way you're doing it. So there's always going to be people that criticize. Or if you homeschool in general, people that send their kids to public school are going to be like oh, your kids ain't going to be social. I'm just telling you that's bogus.
Speaker 1:The least socialized kids that I know are kids that go to public school. That's a fact. 12,000 people will come through. 11, 11, something, 11,000, something will come through here. This year. The most mature and and communicable people that come through. Here are homeschooled kids. Second, most are Christian school kids. Third, most are public school kids. I would say in that order Now, when it comes to the Christian faith, I would flip the public school and Christian school kids. Oddly enough, I think the kids that come to SWO, public school, kids in good youth groups, tend to be a little bit more grounded in their faith a little bit more not grounded, a little bit more focused on growing as Christians and hungry for the word.
Speaker 1:But as far as mature socially, it goes homeschool first and that's just a fact. We see it, we observe it and then I've seen it with my own kids. So my three kids that were homeschooled. You have a conversation with them when they're 15, they seem very mature, like adults. My kids that were raised in public school they're a little bit slower to get into those conversations. It takes them a little longer to develop. They get there. Juju now she's 15, and you can have a great conversation with her. She's a very mature young lady and I get a lot of comments, and that comes from the comments and feedback that you get as a parent.
Speaker 1:So the point being, you got to do the work either way. Don't expect your education choices to take your kid and spit out a finished product, the way you want them to be, if you're not hands-on in your parenting and your rearing. And one thing that I would also add back to the public school argument is it gives you an opportunity to address worldview so that when they get to college they're not blindsided. You know, um, I remember a couple of my kids in high school had um science teachers who were atheists, atheists and taught, uh, emphatic, darwinian evolution, evolutionary theory is fact, and I didn't try to combat that by going to that teacher and saying you're not going to teach it, it's public school, of course you're going to teach that.
Speaker 1:It was an awesome opportunity for me to sit down with my kids and talk about how to think critically and how to defend your faith. But that was my responsibility and it's your responsibility as a parent. So instruct them in the home, but the word of God be written on the, on the doorposts and the table and the car rides and the you know, coffee talk. You need to be talking about the scripture and and and teaching them and training them and raising them up, and the Lord will honor that, regardless of how you educate them. All right, that's the bonus episode. We'll follow up with the discipline episode. This is going to turn into a three-part little series, but that'll be good. Thanks for tuning in. I hope this has been helpful to you and we'll see you next time.
Speaker 2:Thanks for listening to. No Sanity Required. Please take a moment to subscribe and leave a rating. It really helps. Visit us at SWOut outfitterscom to see all of our programming and resources and we'll see you next week on no sanity required.